Be focused, committed, minister tells youths

As Nigerians herald 2021 with expectations, youths have been urged to begin the New Year with renewed vigour and work for a better Nigeria.  

In his new year message to the youths in Oyo State, Nigeria and sportsmen in the country, the Minister of Youth and Sports Development, Mr. Sunday Dare, said: “I felicitate with all Nigerians, youths across the country, Oyo State and our sportsmen and women on the beginning of a new year, which promises a lot of development, great expectations and the fulfillment of our great mission and vision.

“The outgone year had a lot of challenges, which we survived by sticking together. I urge all our youths, sportsmen and women to put the challenges of the past year behind and move on in 2021 with a renewed mindset, hope, audacity and doggedness. 

“With the right mindset and attitude, the new year promises to be better than last year. We must remain resolute, and unwavering by contributing our quota to the growth of our fatherland. As leaders in our chosen fields, we must be deliberate in our actions to make our country a better place. We have a unique opportunity to build a new Nigeria if we all collate our efforts and speak with one voice.

“Nigeria can only be better if our youth harness their potentials and key into the government’s vision. With a collective will, Nigeria can attain her true position as the giant of Africa,” Dare said.


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