Big screen

Of what use is a beautiful home ambience filled with luxury furniture, décor, gadgets and electronics if they don’t bring family together in one space either at the close of the day or weekends, for a proper sit-down family time.

The big screen television serves as a magic centre that usually holds family members together for bonding time through watching of sports, movies, series, documentaries and news.

This magic may not be as effective with small TV sizes but the big one that gives each member of the home a cinema viewing feel, keeping everyone glued together to the screen.

The appropriate big screen television for homes includes 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85 inches and more if your space is big enough for it, although technically, you don’t need a massive space for a big TV, you only need a fitting space.

So if yours is a big family and everyone is struggling with being in one space in the home at a time, a home cinema time with the family would be a perfect place to start.

