Health - Page 145

Will your job send you to early grave?

MILLIONS say stress from work has driven them to eat junk, smoke, drink more alcohol, exercise less If you’ve ever joked your job will be the death of you – you’re not
9 years ago

90% of cancer cases are preventable, experts say

Canvass political will, healthy lifestyle NIMR to commission state-of-the-art cancer research centre NOTWITHSTANDING the genetic risk factor, experts have said that several of the cancer diseases and deaths in the country today
9 years ago

Firm canvasses total wellness among Nigerians

A WELLNESS company, “The wellbeing of a nation is measured not only in terms of the physical health of her citizenry, but it’s the totality of the mental/emotional, financial/economic, intellectual, environmental, occupational and
9 years ago

Minerals of life

THE human body is a collection of elements and minerals held together by certain chemical bonds. Some of these minerals have a reservoir in the body from where they are replenished whenever
9 years ago

Cooking unlocks calories in fat-rich foods

THE evolutionary pressures on our early ancestors helped to shape the biology in our bodies today. Early man gained survival advantage by extracting the most calories from the smallest amount of food.
9 years ago