Civil defense officers wives conduct medical outreach in FCT

Civil Defence Officers’ Wives Association, (CDOWA) has reached out to men and officers of the Corps in the Federal Capital Territory, (FCT), with free medical services to promote healthy living among personnel.

Led by wife of the FCT Commandant, FCT command of the service, Mrs Olayinka Odumosu, the officers wives said a healthy lifestyle is critical to maintaining peace and security in the nation’s capital.

She stated this at the 2024 first quarter retreat of CIDOWA themed ‘Promoting Healthy Lifestyle for Peaceful Home front’, yesterday in Abuja.

Odumosu said the conducted free medical screening for its members and personnel of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), FCT Command.

The Association held its 2024 first quarterly retreat, themed “Promoting healthy lifestyle for peaceful homefront” on Friday at the NSCDC FCT Command.

During the retreat, various medical screenings such as free blood pressure tests, eye test, sugar level checks amongst others, were carried out.

CDOWA Chairperson, Mrs Olayinka Odumosu said that the medical screening was to ensure officers and men not excluding their wives, were in good health conditions.

Odumosu said that maintaining a healthy lifestyle cannot be overemphasized as this would help promote effective work delivery hence, ““Let us give more attention to our mental well-being, recognise health as a universal right, not a privilege and collectively take care of ourselves.

“As women we need to understand that health is a holistic concept which extends beyond the absence of illness to complete physical, mental and social well-being.

“The free medical outreach emphasizes the profound connection between health and our roles as mother and wives.”

She charged CDOWA members and female officers of the Command to ensure a peaceful home that would ensure male personnel thrived in fulfilling their basic responsibilities.

“My role goes beyond presiding over meetings but to foster an environment where ideas flourish, collaboration thrives and a place where every member feels valued.

“I commit to ensuring that our meetings goes beyond forums for constructive dialogue, celebrating diverse perspectives that lead to innovative solutions and inclusions,” the Chairperson said.

In a statement signed by Public Relations Officer, (PRO), FCT NSCDC command, Idoko Samuel, she described maintaining a healthy lifestyle as a precious asset that shapes the quality of lives, allowing women to pursue dreams, contribute to socials and fulfill human potential.

The medical team leader, Dr. Ozy Okonokhua, advocated for regular health checks, adding that, it was unfortunate many people took medical check ups for granted.

“Change of diets also exposes us to potential health risks which might manifest over time and not immediately.

“Regular checkup is more important in the life of a woman because of her responsibilities at home and to the nation.

“We have had people die of high blood pressure due to their ignorance. Blood pressure might not give signs unless it’s checked regularly,” Okonokhua said.
