Delta community laments deplorable state of road, seeks Oborevwori, NDDC’s intervention

Deplorable Ubulubu road

Residents of Ubulubu community in Aniocha North Local Council of Delta State have lamented the dilapidated state of the only major road that leads to the village from Obomkpa.

The agrarian community in Aniocha North, has therefore, called on Delta State Governor, Sheriff Oborevwori and the Chairman of Niger Delta Development Corporation (NDDC) board, Mr. Chiedu Ebie for intervention.

Although, indigenes of Ubulubu situated near the Achaca-Ezi and Obomkpa are predominantly farmers, regrettably, the only access road to their community is in a deplorable condition.

The Guardian gathered that the community has been cut off from other communities, making it difficult for their farm produce to be transported to the markets in the Council headquarters.

Also, the elderly, sick children find it difficult accessing the road because only the strong and brave youths access the road using Bicycles and Motorcycles.

It was learnt that many people have been sent to their early graves, while others, who were lucky to survive accidental falls on the dilapidated road, broke their limbs, and ended up in the bonesetter’s homes or orthopedic hospitals.

Lamenting, former President General of the community, Richard Onyegasi said their children in the diaspora have refused to return homes during festive seasons, especially Christmas, New year, Easter, and their yearly traditional New yam festivals owing to the deplorable state of the road.

He said: “The Ubulubu-Ogordo Road is a no-go-area. Ubulubu-Ezi Road has been abandoned since the military regime. Some say it’s a state road. Others say it’s under NDDC.

“The Local Council is doing nothing about it. In 2022, the community footed the bill for its grading. It leads to Ogodor in Aniocha-North, and links to many Edo farming communities and a major source of food for the Issele-Uku market.

“The major harm is that when the rains come down, yearly, food supplies are cut off from getting to the consumers. That government should link the villages to the major market at Issele-Uku, probably dam River Utor at Ubulubu for power supply.”

Another road user, Emeka Okolo, a chairmanship aspirant for the Local Council from a nearby Onicha-Olona said: “My heart bleeds each time I remember Obomkpa-Ubulubu-Ogordo road. I kept asking, what crime have the people of Ubulubu and Ogordo committed against the Aniocha North Local Council and Delta State government? These are people that voted the government into office.

“These two communities are inaccessible due to bad roads. It is my earnest prayer that when voted as the next chairman of Aniocha North, I am going to start up work with Ubulubu road. It is time we change the narratives.”


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