E-hailing drivers inaugurate state council, meet with Bolt

The Amalgamated Union of App-based Transporters of Nigeria (AUATON) has officially launched the executive arm of the union in the Lagos State Executive Council (SEC).

The occasion signifies the decentralisation of power to the branch level, allowing members to actively participate in the decision-making process.

It is important to note that the union operates on a hierarchical structure, where decisions are made from top to bottom, however decentralising power to the branch level empowers members to actively participate in the decision-making process of the union.

In a statement by the state council PRO, Iwindoye Steven, by bringing decision-making closer to the members, their voices and perspectives are better represented.

This allows for a more inclusive and democratic approach to decision-making, as members have a direct say in the matters that affect them. It also creates a sense of ownership and accountability, as members are more engaged and invested in the outcomes of the decisions.

Ultimately, the decentralisation of power enhances transparency, promotes member engagement, strengthens the overall effectiveness of the union, at the grassroots level and ascends to the highest level of authority.

In a related development the union also recently convened a round table meeting with Bolt, focusing on several important agenda items. These included providing feedback on the safety summit and discussing the implemented measures, conducting a driver experience session, establishing a working committee, and setting short-term and long-term goals.

Under the esteemed leadership of Jaiyesimi Azeez, the union expressed the pressing need for Bolt to enhance rider profiling, address issues regarding blocked accounts to counter fraudulent activities, consider fare adjustments and commission reductions, prioritise the welfare of its members, and involve the union significantly in decision-making processes, particularly concerning pricing, account blocking, and ensuring proper compensation for drivers or their families in the unfortunate event of loss of life while using the Bolt app.


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