Excuses – Part 2

Israel Kristilere

Our home and family life (vs20)
Jesus did not say we need no home and family. Actually, he honoured a wedding feast with His presence and his first miracle? But He knows that we are apt to set aside the claims of the spiritual life when we are surrounded by all the joys and comforts of material happiness (Luk. 14:26-27) The big question is what is hindering you from following Christ or doing the will of God?

Without any doubt, the excuses, which were offered by these men were very shallow and simply foolish. The land of the first man would not have disappeared if its owner had postponed visiting it for a day. Also, the cattle of the second man had surely been proved already, or they would not have been bought. As to the newly-married wife of the third man, there was no reason why she should not have accompanied her husband for there was plenty of room for both. An “excuse” is an entirely different thing from “a reason.” “A reason” comes into the mind before a conclusion, while “an excuse” follows after a conclusion.” “A reason” is a reality; an “excuse” is, generally, an invention, or at the best the second or inferior “reason.” It is not the primary thing, actuating motive.

For example, the “reason” that Adam ate the fruit was that he liked it but his “excuse” was, “she gave it to me.” (Gen. 3:12) The “reason” why the man with one talent “hid his talent,” was that he was indifferent, lazy, wicked, and slothful, but his “excuse” was, “I knew you to be a hard man…” (Matt. 25:24) The “reason” the Jews killed Jesus Christ was, because they were jealous of Him and hated Him for His holiness and His rebuke. But their “excuse” was that He spoke against Caesar, and uttered blasphemy. The “reason” why all the men who were invited to the great supper” refused to come, was because they were not prepared. But the “excuses” were the same, they had more important engagements. But what could be more important than an invitation to dine with the King?

If you know God and all the things He has prepared for them that love Him,” all “excuses” would be flung to the winds (1 Cor. 2:9) Excuses look little, but they possess great power to hinder. Therefore, put away excuses if you want to be divinely lifted. Without any doubt, excuses will never cease till earth ceases, but do not let excuses cease your destiny.

May you be delivered from your excuses today. At the judgment-seat of Christ, no excuse will be tenable. Beware of excuses. Shalom.

Shepherdhill Baptist Church, (Sanctuary of Grace & Glory), Baptist Academy Compound, Obanikoro, Lagos.


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