Expert calls for ethical Artificial Intelligence in business decision making – Adeyinka Elizabeth Orelaja

In an era where digital transformation and data-driven decision making is revolutionizing the finance industry, expert digital product manager Adeyinka Elizabeth Orelaja, has called for ethics and governance in the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in business decision-making.

With over 8 years of active industry experience in the finance sector and a proven track record in leveraging advanced technologies to drive innovation in financial security and risk management, Orelaja is leading the charge in addressing the complexities of integrating artificial intelligence in business decision-making processes.

“AI systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated. With the use of machine learning algorithms to enhance business decision making, there is a need to establish governance frameworks that align with accountability, equity and fairness to ensure their responsible deployment” She said. “AI systems are not without fault. They can make biased decisions and be intransparent, and these have severe implications for businesses, stakeholders and the society at large. Governance is important to ensure that businesses leverage the benefits of artificial intelligence while mitigating potential risks from its use”

Drawing from her wealth of research and professional experience at esteemed institutions like American Express, Health Catalyst, and Fidelity Pension Managers Ltd, Orelaja’s efforts in ensuring ethical AI governance and establishing robust frameworks underpin her position as a thought leader in this sophisticated domain.

In her research on “Ethical Implications and Governance of Artificial Intelligence in Business Decisions: A Deep Dive into the Ethical Challenges and Governance Issues Surrounding the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Making Critical Business Decisions”, Orelaja advocates for governance frameworks as a means of addressing the pressing need to identify ethical challenges surrounding the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in critical business decisions. This comprehensive study of regulatory frameworks and real-world data from integration of artificial intelligence in business decision making, found issues such as algorithmic bias, and data storage procedures as issues affecting the integration of ethics in business decision-making powered by artificial intelligence. The study further recommends developer accountability, stringent regulations and user empowerment as relevant ways to ensure governance in artificial intelligence systems.

Orelaja’s research lends credible voice to the ethical AI discourse in the finance industry and increasing concerns about industry practices that may encourage misuse of artificial intelligence in finance. As the finance industry continues to adopt digitally advanced technologies to enhance its reach and operations, Orelaja’s initiatives focused on AI ethics also emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, urging stakeholders from various sectors to come together and create robust frameworks that support transparency and accountability. Her contributions are not only pushing the boundaries of technological innovation but are also ensuring that the finance industry remains conscientious about the societal impact of these advancements.


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