Finding Love In 2024

It is getting increasingly difficult to find love in our society. In times past, single folks had very limited options but they still found love. If they didn’t find love in the market square or at the stream, their parents did the honours of finding a ‘suitable’ partner on their behalf. One would expect that social media would make things easier in this department but the opposite appears to be the case.

Be it as it may, humans will always seek companionship and we all deserve it.
Finding love is a goal in itself, it doesn’t always find us. This doesn’t imply that you should go ask Tom, Dick and Harry for a chance. It means consciously desiring it and looking out for it. If you’re hoping to get into a meaningful relationship this year and even get hitched in the process, these tips are for you.

Know Thyself To Find the Right Kind Of Love
While companionship is a valid desire, you are better off alone than in a partnership that will add more problems to your life. Who are you at your core? You are evolving but in a hundred years from now, some things about you will never change. You need to know yourself so you’ll know the kind of person you need. Those who find love before finding themselves are at risk of falling out of it after a while.

Admit It To Yourself
You might be wondering why this is a required action. Acknowledgement is a powerful thing. There are claims that the universe listens and springs into action once we make a request. Admitting that you’re looking for love makes you more aware of its possibilities. Just like the Red Car Theory; when you think about buying a red car and suddenly you notice red cars everywhere.


Open Up To Your Inner Cycle
Looking for love is just like looking for a job, you’d gladly tell people in your network to connect you to job opportunities but there’s this stereotype about admitting that you’re looking for love. It makes one feel vulnerable, needy or less cool. Everyone wants to feel like a spec nowadays, so saying you’re looking for love reduces your ‘market value’. Not sure how this stereotype came about but it is sadly the new reality which is to our disadvantage as a society because many people find love by referral. A perfect truce would be to inform your close friends and family about your quest. They know you, so they might just know the right person for you. The bonus is that they would never think of you as less cool.

You Don’t Necessarily Have To Change Your Lifestyle
Introverts are often dragged to stay indoors and look for love. They are always told to go out more often, to parties and events. This advice is not only inconsiderate but also inefficient. Why do something that makes you feel uncomfortable and even miserable with the intention of finding love? Most introverts dislike social events and they’re not faking it. There’s no point in being in an environment in which you’d misrepresent yourself due to social anxiety.

The hack is to utilise the tools at your disposal, social media. Go out more often via your social media platforms. Firstly, revamp your profile, pick your favourite pictures and ask two or three of your close friends to choose the best. Next is, your biography; highlight interesting tips about you and the things you’re passionate about. Once these have been done, start interacting on your favourite platform daily. Introverts have a habit of reacting to social media posts or comments in their minds only; they don’t see a need to post their thoughts. Going forward, don’t only say it in your mind, type it and send it, you never would stumble on your post. Posting on your page is not the same as going out on social media. What counts as going out is by responding to comments on posts that interest you. That way, you will engage with new people.

Join A Group of Like-Minds
We all have our various passions, it could be sports, art (music, writing, drama, dance etc). Identifying with a community that fuels your passion is a great way to find yourself and find love too. This is a great avenue to find love and make new friends while increasing your happiness.


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