TASK Systems Limited, Nigeria's leading value-added Integrated ICT Solutions Company has clinched the coveted ISO-9001:2000 standard award.

Announcing the award to the press, Mr. Stanley Okpaleke, Managing Director of the company stated that the ISO 9001:2000 was recognised worldwide as the comprehensive international standard of quality and that the ISO certification further confirmed the company's strict adherence to a systematic, world-standard approach to quality management and service delivery.


Firm gets ISO status

Task Systems in 1987, pioneered desktop publishing and computer graphics in Nigeria with Apple Computers. In 1996, Task Systems Ltd re-branded as a foremost ICT Solution Services company and signed strategic partnerships with major Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) like HP, IBM, American Power Conversion (APC) and software giant Microsoft.

With these partnerships, Task has maintained unrivalled leadership in ICT solutions service delivery to the Nigerian oil sector where it has maintained major procurement and service contracts for over 13 years as well as the financial and manufacturing sectors.

