God Leads The Humble

HUMILITY is one of the key factors of getting divine direction. “He leads the humble in what is right, teaching them his way.” (Psalm 25:9) Are you humble enough to seek God for His ways and show you the way to go?  

  These days, we are surrounded with inexorable appeals to go in various directions. Television advertising alone places hundreds of options before us, in addition to appeals made by political parties, cults, false religions, and dozens of other groups. Numerous organisations, including Christian organisations, seek to motivate us to support a cause. What about the lots of decisions we must make concerning our life, job, family, money, society and where to live and we become desperate for someone to show us the right way. If you find yourself pulled in several directions, remember that God teaches the humble His way.

  After finding Jesus and worshipping Him, the magi were warned by God not to return through Jerusalem as they had intended. “When it was time to leave, they went home another way, because God had warned them in a dream not to return to Herod.” (Matthew 2:12)

  Finding Jesus may mean that your life must take a different direction, one that is responsive and obedient to God’s Word. Are you willing to be led a different way? If you truly want to be led by God, you must be prepared to look for Jesus and follow Him all the way. The cost of doing this is very enormous because it sometimes involves taking a completely new direction in life.

 The closer you move with Jesus, the more you understand His way and the more He will lead you in the path of righteousness. Pause for a moment and think about the events in your life leading up to where you are now. How has God led you to this point? As you grow older, you will look back and see God’s involvement more clearly than you do now. 

This is another year of purpose. Surrender to Jesus for divine direction and you will never go wrong.

God bless.

Prophet Abiara, General Evangelist, CAC Worldwide. skabiaraofciem@yahoo.co.uk

