Interim Govt: Apologise publicly or risk suit, APC councillors tell Datti

Datti Baba-Ahmed

Councillors elected under the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC) have demanded a public apology from the Vice Presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Datti Baba-Ahmed, over his comment on swearing in of the President-elect, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, come May 29, 2023.

The councillors under the auspices of National Progressive Councillors Forum (NPCF) said Datti should tender a public apology to Nigerians in 48hrs or risks lawsuit.

Recall that Datti had, on the national television on March 22, 2023, said that swearing in Tinubu would be tantamount to inviting the military to take over the affairs of Nigeria.

Addressing journalists in Abuja, NPCF National Chairman, Muslihu Ali, described the agitation of interim government by some politicians, who he said are enemies of unity, peace, democracy and development as a mere speculation and propaganda.

He said: “Our call came on the heels of an alarm by the Department of State Services (DSS) about a plot to install interim national government, the act would not only truncate our democracy but also bring more complex division in our country.

“It is undisputable fact that peaceful protest after an election is legitimate. What Nigerian citizen should avoid, especially the youth, is unpleasant protest and demonstration, which could lead to crisis, and create unrest to our beloved country Nigeria.

“The last time Nigeria had an interim government in power was about 30 years ago and it lasted for about 82days.

“Consequently, we will like to use this medium to strongly condemn a provocative statements made by Datti on Channel TV last week, attacking the integrity of the February 25, 2023 presidential election, which he criticised the emergence of Tinubu as the President-elect and requested the Chief Justice of Nigeria and President Muhamadu Buhari not to swear him in.”

According to him, the INEC certificate of return given to Tinubu and Kashim is a ‘Dud Cheque’ not valid.

“Therefore, we call him to quickly withdraw his comments within 48 hour and apologise to the good people of Nigeria, Tinubu, Buhari, and judiciary under the leadership of Chief Judge of Nigeria, hence legal action would be taken against him,” he said.

While expressing confidence that Tinubu would be sworn-in as duly elected president on May 29, Ali described President Buhari as a true democrat who conducted an election adjudged to be the best in the history of the country.

“Finally, we will like to call the attention of Nigerians to stay calm and shun violence. And also, our traditional rulers, leaders, and stakeholders to stay calm and advise their followers to maintain peace and harmony in our country and to be law abiding citizens,” he added.


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