JAMB is not a game of luck

[files] JAMB
Sir: As the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) examination are about to start soonest, there’s a surfeit number of knots that should be unsnarled insofar we want to hatch a productive society where students that are trekking on the ladder of joining tertiary institutions would be celebrating when the results are released. Thereby, fading the unfortunate scores produced by the students in the past, precisely 2021, especially in the northern part of the country where the students were fooled due to lack of exposure, orientation and so forth.
But it’s clearly out of doubt that the society where we live can be said to be the most threatening factor and the body responsible for the massive failure the students have been producing. It’s very unbecoming that we are now living in a society where one would be advised not to read for examination and pray for luck; a society where one would be advised to choose ‘As’ from question 1 to 10, and ‘Bs’, from 11 to 20; a mysterious society where those that read for JAMB are the laughing stocks of the public.
It’s high time the Nigerian students, especially those that are on their way to write JAMB knew that there’s nothing called luck in the examination. It’s a conspiracy of voracious reading and fervent praying. There’s no single student, who scored 200 and above without vast reading. All the fresh-looking students you see in Law, MBBS, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, Accounting and so forth dedicated their time by constant reading.
Dear young people, get up! So far as you want to become a lawyer, a doctor or an accountant, as the 2022 JAMB registration is ongoing, covering the JAMB syllabus, go through all the past questions and most importantly, pray fervently. You’ll certainly make it. No procrastination. It’s high time you prepared. JAMB is not lucky. Wishing all of us the very best.
Salim Yakubu Akko wrote from Gombe State.


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