Jonathan mourns MD Yusuf, condemns attack on Kenyan University

PRESIDENT Goodluck Jonathan has extended his heartfelt condolences to the government and people of Katsina State on the death of one of their most illustrious sons, and a former Inspector General of Police, (IGP) Alhaji Muhammadu Dikko Yusuf. 

In a statement his Special Adviser, Media and Publicity, Reuben Abati, Jonathan also commiserated with Yusuf’s immediately family as well as the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) on the demise of the respected leader of the cultural and political association. 

“The President shared their grief as they mourn the eminent Nigerian who served his country dutifully throughout his successful career in the Nigerian Police, and later on, as a political leader and elder statesman.

President Jonathan recalled that as leader of the Grassroots Democratic Movement (GDM) at that time, the late MD Yusuf embodied some of the best values of bravery and patriotism.

The President prayed that Almighty Allah would grant his soul eternal rest and comfort all who mourn him
Joanathan also condemned the attack on the Kenyan University by Al-Shabab, describing it as barbaric and must be roundly condemned by all people of goodwill.

In a statement by Abati, the President extended heartfelt condolences to the government and people of Kenya and to the families of those who died today in the gruesome terrorist attack on the Garissa University College in Kenya.

“ Jonathan utterly condemns the deliberate targeting of innocent persons, schools and other soft targets by terrorists as such atrocious, despicable and barbaric acts of violence ought to have no  place in any  civilized society.
The President believed that the attack on the Kenyan University and other similar atrocities across the world must strengthen and solidify the resolve of the global community to take more urgent and co-ordinated actions to speedily defeat the agents of global terror. 

