Men, women to share positions equally if PDP wins, says Secondus

Uche Secondus

Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), yesterday, promised that positions would be shared equally between men and women if it wins the 2023 presidential election.

National Chairman the party, Uche Secondus, who made the promise during inauguration of PDP Action Women Committee, also hinted that the party would continue to take issues affecting women very seriously.

PDP women had earlier lamented abandonment of the 35 percent affirmative action. They said that in spite of promises that the party would grant it to them, the leadership has not done so.

Leader of the PDP National Woman, Hajia Maryam Waziri, said: “We all agreed to be part of this committee during our summit last month. And this committee will serve as a lobby and mobilization committee towards the 2023 general elections.

“Women are all crying about their 35 percent affirmative action. And during our last National Working Committee (NWC) meeting, before the commencement of congresses, I reminded the leadership of the party about the promise the party made to women during our 87th National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting.

“Immediately I mentioned it, the national secretary was asked to do a memo and send to all state chapters, so that women can be given their 35 per cent affirmative action.

“But, unfortunately, three zones have concluded their congresses, still, the story remains the same. We still have only women leader instead of us to have, at least, four women in the zonal working committee. I have sent statement to all the women groups across the country, reminding them to all come out for their right.”

In his response, Secondus said: “The 35 per cent is already taken, but we believe that we must drive it to logical conclusion. We are also setting new guidelines that will give youths and women free forms and also give them some form of preference.

“We believe that if PDP form government in 2023, it will be 50-50 between men and women because women have what is needed for national development.”


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