Minister assures on completion of Kudenda power station

The Minister of Power, Abubakar Aliyu, has assured that the 215MW Kudenda Power Station in Kaduna State, which has reached 80 per cent completion, will be completed before end of 2022.

According to him, when the electricity project is completed, it will boost industrial production in the country and revive comatose industries.

Speaking during an inspection tour of the facility with Governor Nasir el-Rufai of Kaduna, the minister said the nationwide power generation hovering around 5,000MW worries his administration.

Efforts, he noted, are in top gear to increase it to 7,000MW, then 11,000 MW before finally reaching 25,000MW in a few years.

He noted that the turbine power station, designed to use both gas and diesel, was initiated by the late President Umaru Yar’Adua but started by former President Goodluck Jonathan.


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