Muslim groups congratulate President-elect, Tinubu

Bola Ahmed Tinubu

ANSAR-UD-DEEN Society of Nigeria, The Companion (Association of Muslim men in business and professions) and the Chief Imam of Lagos State have congratulated the President-elect, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu over his victory in the Presidential election.

The groups felicitated with all Nigerians on the successful conduct of the Presidential and National Assembly elections, especially for their doggedness and resilience while the results of the polls were being awaited.

The Ansar-Ud-Deen Society, in a statement signed by ADS National Publicity Secretary, Muhammed Sola Hassan, appealed to those who were unable to win to remain calm and be conscious of the fact that we have no other country but Nigeria.

“It is not uncommon that elections do bring dissatisfaction and grievances even in advanced democracies, but such dissatisfaction and grievances are pursued within the ambits of the law and our own should not be different, so as not to breed unintended consequences, which may be detrimental to the continued survival of Nigeria,” the group stated.

It urged political stakeholders to be careful and exercise caution in their behaviours and utterances in the interest of a peaceful transition of political power.

“We equally appeal to all our politicians to extend an olive branch to their counterparts across the divide, sue for peace to allow for monumental development of the country.”

The group congratulated INEC for its efforts so far and implored it to muster courage and determination to ensure the successful completion of all the electoral processes. “We also appeal to them to continue doing everything humanly possible to improve the election processes.

“We, especially congratulate the president-elect and urge him to put machinery in motion to reconcile with all aggrieved contestants to move the country forward as there is strength in unity.

“On this note, we are of the firm belief that the most important issues confronting the country are economic and security issues. We pray that Almighty Allah will help the president-elect and his team to achieve the aspirations of all Nigerians, as we hope for a better country for us and generations yet unborn,” the group said.

A statement issued by The National Amir of Companion, Engr. Kamil Olalekan and the General Secretary, Alhaji Ibrahim Abdulkadir said Nigerians no doubt deserve commendation for resisting all diabolical attempts at aborting the country’s democratic process amidst calls for cancellation of the process by some disgruntled elements.

The Companion, however, saluted the courage mustered by the outgoing President, Muhammadu Buhari to carry out electoral reforms, which culminated in the introduction of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) and the bravery of the Chairman of the Independent NationalElectoral Commission (INEC) to complete the collation exercise in the face of intimidation, threats and insults.

“We advise parties dissatisfied with outcome to explore the constitutional mechanism to redress their grievances instead of resulting to self-help,” Olalekan said.

While extolling the virtues and hands of fellowship extended by Tinubu to his co-contestants Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, Mr Peter Obi and Alhaji Rabiu Kwankwaso among others, the Muslim group enjoins them and indeed all Nigerians to rally round the president-elect in the determination to reposition the country for renewed hope for a secured and economically viable nation.

The group reiterated that since it is only Allaah that enthrones leadership, it is expedient for Tinubu to be magnanimous in victory while his co-contestants in the election concede defeat in the spirit of sportsmanship.
It said: “We urged all Nigerians from all political zones of the country to cooperate with, and support the chosen one, to engender mass determination for even national development.”

The Companion urges the president-elect to consider competence, national spread and adequate youth representation in the composition of his cabinet, while praying to Almighty Allah to grant him the strength and wisdom to actualise the ‘Renewed Hope” slogan adopted in his electioneering campaign.

The Chief Imam of Lagos State, Sheikh Sulaimon Oluwatoyin Abou-Nolla, said Tinubu’s victory was a reward for long years of hard work and consistency in pursuing a worthy goal.

According to him, Tinubu’s emergence should excite Nigerians because his presidency would impact positively the socio-economic development of the country.

Tinubu, he said, has good exposure to how to improve the Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) without inconveniencing the downtrodden.
He urged Nigerians,especially the political class to join hands with him to move the country forward.

Sheikh Sulaimon beseeched Allah to grant Tinubu the wisdom, guidance, strength and courage to deliver on his promises.

The Lagos Chief Imam, however, enjoined the president-elect to select those who would work with him carefully, adding that his appointees could make or mar his administration.

He prayed to Allah to guide him in choosing good, competent and compassionate people to drive his vision.


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