Na’Abba prevented executive dominance, says CISLAC

Ghali Umar Na’Abba

Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC)/Transparency International Nigeria has described former Speaker, House of Representatives, the late Ghali Na’Abba, as a dogged lawmaker.

The organisation recalled Na’Abba’s struggles for legislative autonomy and firm positions to defend Nigeria’s democracy during his tenure as Speaker from 1999 to 2003.

Executive Director of CISLAC, Auwal Rafsanjani, in a statement, yesterday,
commended Na’Abba’s selfless fights for a strong legislature, sustainable democracy, and respect for the sanctity of the rule of law, while serving as the Speaker.

The statement reads: “We found, as worthy of emulation, Na’Abba’s purposeful leadership and well-intended efforts that secured the legislature from executive control, political interference, suppression of power and power-corrupt politicians, while protecting our emerging democracy from a major setback, executive dominance and other spirited tendencies to ride roughshod over the National Assembly.

“We recall that the 13 per cent derivation fund from the federation revenue to oil-producing communities in Niger Delta came to limelight under the Speakership of Na’Abba. Through this move, he demonstrated sincere concerns for social justice and equity in Nigeria.”

The group further observed Na’Abba’s undaunted leadership capacity to harmoniously mobilise other members of the House for a united and uncompromised front that commanded respect from the executive arm.

It added: “Civil society groups in Nigeria worked with the National Assembly to support legislative transparency, capacity strengthening and constituency accountability. There were regular consultations that helped legislative focus. We are hopeful that Na’Abba’s democratic spirit and leadership principles will be emulated by the present leadership of the National Assembly and Houses of Assembly and even future legislators in Nigeria.”


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