Nine-year old Nuroh wins prize for best Qur’an reciter

For the second time in two years, nine-year-old, Nuroh Nasir has won the coveted prize of the 2020 edition of the Faith Unites Muslims Charity Initiatives (FUMCI) Children Award for Excellence in Qur’an Recitation and Islamic Practice.

Nuroh who represented Ketu, Alapere in Ikosi-Isheri LCDA, was the overall winner in the 2019 edition of the competition, defeat 31 other contestants from the five divisions of Lagos State to clinch the grand prize of N100, 000, a Silver Crest SC 1589 blender, and other consolation prizes.

The sixth edition of the annual competition themed ‘Recipe for the making of Godly children’ was held in conjunction with the Rt. Hon. Adeyemi Sabit Ikuforiji Foundation under the spiritual guidance of Sheikh AbdulRazak Mubasir Aafaakala.

The competition had contestants drawn from the five divisions of Lagos state competing for prizes in Adab, Salat, Fiqh, Qur’an, Hadeeth, and the overall best category.

In his lecture, Mudir, Darul-Naim Schools, Sheikh AbdulMajeed Imran Eleha highlighted steps to be taken in the upbringing of righteous children.

These, he identified as a selection of a religious and morally upright spouse.

“Couples that desire righteous children must carefully select his/her partner. The kind of partner you chose and the moral uprightness and the level of religiosity of both partners is the sole determinants of the kind of children you will beget. You must make findings of the family background with a special focus on how religious they are in their family.”

“Less emphasis should be placed on beauty, wealth, and influence but we should be on the lookout for his/her closeness to Allah in worship because whatever his/her inadequacies are will be taken care of by the religion. So if you desire a righteous child, go for a man or woman that has both religious and good morals.

“The second step is Nikkai to be organised according to the dictate of Shariah. This entails the intending spouse with his family to seek the consent of the parents of the woman in marriage in the presence of witnesses from both families. The consent of the parents is very important.

“The third requirement for a righteous child after Nikkai is for the husband to supplicate to Allah for the good of the marriage and ward off all evils. This is the Sunnah of the prophet. All these three steps are to be taken prior to rearing children.” the scholar said.

During the presentation of prizes to winners, Amir of FUMCI, Ustadh AbdulMuiz Zubayr commended all the contestants for their brilliance and also their parents for exposing the children to Islamic and Quran knowledge while noting that lack of adequate understanding of the Qur’an and hadiths of the Prophet of Islam is the cause of moral decadence among Muslim children and youths.

Other winners in each of the category include: Zainab Akinola won the first prize in Salat, Umar Akinola won the first prize in Qur’an category, Haleemah Mohammed won the first prize in Adab, Fiqh category won by AbdulMalik Quasim and Nuro Nasir won the prize for Hadith category and overall prize category.



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