NRC cautions motorists on railway right of way, level crossing

The Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) has cautioned motorists crossing rail tracks nationwide to be mindful of railway right of way and level crossing rules.

The corporation, on the heels of the fatal train collision in Lagos recently, said such disasters could be averted through strict adherence to safety measures and relevant infrastructure.

Managing Director of NRC, Fidet Okhiria, said the government was making efforts to reduce rail-road crisscrossing through the construction of 11 overhead bridges.

Okhiria added that in the interim, the corporation had deployed communication measures that alert level crossing keepers to keep the tracks free.

He regretted that all the level crossing barriers of yesteryears had been vandalised.

“About five years back, we developed light and alarm systems to notify when the trains are close by. But people also vandalised the traffic lights and alarm system. We did that four times consecutively, but they were still vandalised.

“But what people don’t know is that it is not the responsibility of the NRC to keep the level crossing free, but the responsibility of road users because by law and international standards, the rail always has the right of way because it is its permanent way.

“Anytime there is a level crossing, they ask for the right of way permission, which is granted and provides necessary protection to ensure rail users are safe. Everybody is expected to know that there is a rail track on the corridor. Moreover, trains don’t shift position unlike the norm on roads, where you turn the steering,” he said.


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