Olaoluwa Awolaja: Leveraging entrepreneurship as tool for national development

Olaoluwa believes that Nigeria has the largest market in Africa with her youths making giant strides both home and abroad in sectors like; fintech, real estate, creativity and manufacturing.

In his opinion, entrepreneurship indeed plays a crucial role in transforming economies, including Nigeria’s, especially during challenging times. In the current situation, entrepreneurship can bring about several positive changes.

He believes that entrepreneurs create new businesses and job opportunities. By starting their own ventures, they not only generate employment for themselves but also for others. This helps reduce unemployment rates and boosts economic growth.

He added that , entrepreneurs bring innovation and creativity to the table. They identify gaps in the market and develop unique solutions to address them leading to the introduction of new products, services, and technologies, which can drive economic development and competitiveness.

He explained further that entrepreneurship encourages self-reliance and reduces dependency on external sources. By fostering a culture of entrepreneurship, individuals are empowered to take charge of their economic well-being. This in his words can lead to increased productivity, wealth creation, and overall economic resilience. He believes that In this case, our reliance on foreign products will reduce drastically and our local products will sell more in the market.

Olaoluwa concluded by asserting that, entrepreneurship has the potential to transform the Nigerian economy, particularly in challenging times that It brings about job creation, innovation, and self-reliance, which in his opinion are essential for economic growth and development. He advised that the government should improve on crucial infrastructure such as electricity, motor-able roads and better internet facilities and watch the young generation take nation to the next level on the global scale.


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