Purity: A must


Text: Psalms 119:9; 1 Timothy 4:12

Purity is an end product of redemption. Christianity will amount to ordinary religion without purity. It is purity that gives credence to Christianity. A proper application of purity gives a believer an all round victory. Unfortunately, this is what the church of Christ lacks today. The church has given up purity for money. Money and other mundane things have become the focal point among churches.

Man has misplaced his priority in pursuit of wealth. Ordinarily, wealth is not sinful, but the means through which such wealth is acquired. The scripture is the standard for wealth. The Lord unequivocally instructed believers to seek first the Kingdom of God before wealth. Money, fame and large auditorium are okay if they come through righteousness. Nobody is against wealth if it is got in accordance to the principles of holiness. Believers must know that money, fame and other worldly pursuit cannot endure for eternity. Rather, the first priority and pursuit for a heaven-bound Christian should be Kingdom of God and its righteousness.

When the Lord asks man to seek for His Kingdom and righteousness, it is for the good of man because beneath God’s righteousness is wealth. Going the memory lane, those who followed God, never struggled to be wealthy. Some of them were picked from their wretchedness to an enviable position in life. This goes to prove the world wrong on the assertion that those who serve God are poor and never-do-well people in the society. David was among the examples of people who became great without any good foundation, but followed righteousness.

The church should be willing and ready to handover pure Christianity to posterity rather than polluted Christianity being paraded among Christian leaders of today. The Christianity of purity is de-emphasised in many altars. We must strive to restore perfection, which is the hallmark of the Christian faith. Perfect Christianity is what the Apostles of old lived and died for. Nothing was so dare to them than perfection. Perfection is a reality and possible in this present day Christianity, especially for those who are determined to live for Christ and make heaven.

Regrettably, some Christian leaders have united with the dark world to prove to God that perfection is impossible. If perfection is impossible, invariably, God has subjected us to an impossible task and has, therefore, become a taskmaster! But alas, perfection is possible because Jesus Christ died for it on the Cross of Calvary. On the other hand, if perfection is impossible, then, redemption has lost it all; it means that redemption is a mere ruse and make-believe. In contrast, by personal experience, perfection is a possibility.

The devil knows that he will suffer defeat if Christians believe that perfection is possible. What devil does each moment is to fight those who understand that perfection is a possibility. Those who live a perfect life, are dangerous to the works of the devil. The dark world knows how dreadful and powerful a perfect man can be! Strive to be perfect and pure for God has given the grace to every man to be pure.

• For further reading: Mark 8:36-37; Heb. 9:7; Matt. 6:33, 31,32; Gen. 11:31-32; 25:5-6; 2 Samuel 7:8; Psalms 78:70; 1 Chronicle 29:2-5; Matt. 5:48; Isaiah 53:1-5, 7; Psalms 82:6. You can fellowship with us @Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre, 65, Oluwatedo Road, Cele Road, Isashi, Ojo, Lagos State. For other details, visit @www.kpicpc.org. You can also follow us live on Facebook @kpicpc & YouTube @ kpicpc.


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