Reference Hospital Okene, the GYB standard

I would like to acknowledge that the image recently shared with you was taken at the Reference Hospital Okene, which has been constructed to the highest standards by His Excellency Alhaji (Dr) Yahaya Adoza Bello. I, Dr Baoku Olusola, an anesthesiologist, along with my team of surgeons, were able to perform seven surgeries in eight hours using state-of-the-art equipment such as tiltable electronic remote-controlled operating tables, standard overhead LED operating lights, facilities for telemedicine, patients and fluid warmers, standard Dua vaporizer anesthesia machine, and Electro surgical unit under perfect lighting.

We were impressed by the hospital’s facilities and commend you for your visionary work in constructing such a world-class hospital. We also had the opportunity to visit the new roads under construction, the huge secondary school edifice, and the Nursing hostel. Your legacy of infrastructure development cutting across Health, Education, and many sectors will last for generations, and your name will never be forgotten in this State till the end of time.

Thank you for your service to our nation, and may Almighty guide your path to greater service for this nation.


Dr Baoku Olusola.


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