Stop pressurizing singles into unhealthy relationships, marriages, counselors charge families

Convener, Single Groove and media expert, Uzo Ododo-Oba has called on Nigerians to stop putting undue pressure on singles and forcing them into unwholesome relationships or marriages.

She went on to reveal that most times, religious leaders and concerned loved ones sometimes give wrong advice and she urged them to recommend only certified relationship counselors to singles and married couples having challenges instead of dishing out ill-informed advices from non-professionals which she said has done great damage to most relationships and led to broken hearts and homes.

Ododo-Oba also observed that some people look down on or use derogatory words on singles or on single parents before dating them, advising that people should not be stigmatized or neglected. She pointed out that there are single persons living with disability and other vulnerable persons in the society who are also discriminated against and abandoned.

She said this mustn’t be so and she started the Single groove platform to empower singles with training on relationship, meeting potential dates and networking with others. She also urged the government to formulate education policies and programmes for children on reproduction and sexual education to reduce domestic and gender violence prevalent in the society.

Speaking at the event, relationship and marriage coach and media entrepreneur, Daniel Akpata advised singles to define their relationship, goals, vision and plans as single or married persons. The event attracted a large turnout and included speed dating, comedy, music, freebies and entertainment.


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