Terrorists kill 13 in Katsina

ISWAP Terrorists

At least 13 people were killed and several others injured when suspected terrorists attacked the Lamido community in Bakori Local Government Area of Katsina State.

The incident occurred late Saturday night, with the terrorists reportedly operating into the early hours of Sunday morning.

Though information on the incident is still sketchy at the time of reporting, it has been learned that several community members may have been abducted by the assailants.

All the deceased victims were buried Sunday morning according to Islamic rites, while the injured have been taken to the hospital for treatment.

Bakori is among several council areas in the state facing security challenges due to the activities of terrorists, rustlers, and kidnappers.

The security situation is more pronounced in communities located near forest reserve areas, as terrorists use these reserves to launch attacks or retreat after operations.

Hundreds of lives have been lost, many injured, and numerous communities ravaged by marauding terrorists in recent years.

The spokesperson for the police command in the state, ASP Abubakar Aliyu, had yet to respond to inquiries on the matter at the time of reporting.


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