Testimony Of The Lord’s Doing: Child Sold By ‘A Fake Pastor’ Recovered (1)

My name is Okorie Ogechi. I am from Enugu State and I am here to testify of the mercy and goodness of the Lord in my life and family. Firstly, I thank God for bringing me back to the Lord’s Chosen, I am a runaway soldier, but today God has brought me back. I left the Lord Chosen thinking there were a lot of fun to enjoy in the world since it is a free world and one has the choice to do whatever he/she wants. I never knew I was preparing myself for hell. I later joined a reigning ministry that dwells so much on prophecy.

December last year, the pastor of the church requested I join his team for a programme he is holding at Aba. He said I should come with my son and even gave me transport fare when I told him I had no transport fare .

I arrived Aba on a Wednesday and stayed at the expected programme venue till Friday, the take off day. While at the venue, I discovered that there were just a few members there and also the place was not looking at if any big programme was going to take place in a few hours, but I kept this to myself.

At about 2:00pm on this same Friday, the Pastors demand I allow my son to go with him to the bank to withdraw some money for the programme. I initially turned him down, but when other members of the church intervened, I gave in and they both left to the assumed bank.

The few of us at the venue waited till 6:00pm, the Pastor and my son were not in sight; we all became worried and began to call his lines. After a while he called me to say, they were kidnapped at Osisi-Oma Junction also in Aba.

Out of shock, I asked what he went there to do and he said it was to withdraw money. He began to shout at me each time I asked him some questions about my son.

He said the kidnappers want N5 million ransom and failure to pay may cost his life and that of my son. I began to panic. I then called my mom, who is a member of the Lord’s Chosen Ministry; she rebuked me for my mistakes and advised I return to the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries. She disclosed that God wants to use the situation to teach me a lesson.

My mom contacted her Regional Pastor, who in turn called me to say my son will come back to me. In the morning of the following Saturday, the Pastor that went away with my son then called to tell me that the kidnappers have allowed him to leave their den to look for money, while my son remained until the ransom is paid.

He, however, warned that I keep all the discussions between him and me secret, and that I should also keep away from the police if I really want my son.


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