The New Man

Memory Verse: “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:”Romans 8:16

Bible Passages: Romans 5:1-21, Romans 8:1-17


LAST week, we explained that essentially, man is a spirit and therefore, the new man is one, who has experienced a spiritual rebirth and a renewed mind. The new man will live a justified life. A life filled with the assurance of salvation and new fruits of new birth. May the Holy Spirit continue to reveal and teach on the renewed birth in The Mighty name of Jesus.

A Justified Life

  To justify simply means to impute righteousness. This has absolutely nothing to do with merit. The law and the justice of God demand death for sin, Eze. 18:4 – and punishment for the wicked, Isa.57:20-21. Two major events take place at justification. One is the forgiveness of sin and the removal of due punishment, Mic. 7:18-19. The second is that the righteousness of Jesus Christ is credited to the sinner’s account, Rom. 3:22. The justified life is obtained simply by grace, Rom. 3:24, by the blood of Jesus Christ, Rom. 5:9 and His resurrection, Rom. 4:25. The new man lives a justified life characterised by peace with God, Rom. 5:1-2. 

Full Assurance of Salvation

  An identification mark of the new man is full assurance of salvation based on God’s Word, 1 Jn. 5:13, Rom. 10:13, the witness of the Holy Spirit, Rom. 8:16 — and the evidence of a changed life, 2 Cor. 5:17. Feelings or comments of people are unreliable, when it comes to assurance. Do not rely on them. Be warned of doubts that may suddenly creep in, when you carelessly open the door to sin, worldliness, failure to constantly study the word of God and be Holy Ghost-filled. Study to show yourself approved to God, approved a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, 2 Tim 2:15. Then the new man will be fully empowered to live an impactful good life, 2 Tim 3:17.


  The new man must glow with justification and assurance of salvation. The man enjoys newness in every facet of life. Is this true of you already? Jesus has paid it all. Believe and live a meaningful Christian life in Jesus name.

