The time is now

Our nascent democracy has grown to the extent of having better representatives at the hallowed chamber of the highest law making institution in the country.

In every advanced country, they leverage on good laws and policies to boost the economic growth, human capital development and infrastructural projects to facilitate growth.

The redundancy we’ve seen in Nigeria politics is a product of bad representation. This is because representatives are after their own parochial interests. They see the government purse as a means to enrich themselves. The idea of representational government is to represent the ideas and interest of the people. The interest of the people comes first.

The good people of Lagos central senatorial district deserve more. The people need to decide their development. They have the power to demand through their representatives to bring development to their community. This is what Banke will bring.

Banke Oniru

The candidacy of would bring development, growth and a viable economic growth to the people. She’s altruistic and has the connection with the grassroots. If given this opportunity, she will make it count for the people.


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