This Is All We Know About Why Korra Obidi Is Trending

Becoming a trending topic for the last week, Korra Obidi’s marriage and impending divorce comes as a shock to many Nigerians. 

The dancer and mom of two since her marriage had constantly shared photographs of her husband and children, which many fans took to be a sign that all was well. 

Korra Obidi and Justin Dean got married in 2018 and recently celebrated four years of being together.

However, the shocker came last weekend when her husband Justin Dean took to Instagram to share that he was leaving the dancer, accusing her of infidelity and narcissism. 

In his now-deleted post, Justin Dean wrote, “I am tired of narcissism, cheating and lack of accountability. I have been trying since 2018 to save our marriage, and if I don’t do exactly what she says, she divorces me (sic). I have been a prisoner that has his family used against him if she does not get exactly what she wants.”

“Korra Obidi and I are getting a divorce. It’s over! I won’t be treated this way longer. I did my absolute best to make it work.”

“I didn’t want this. I did my best. My heartbroken. I supported her. I loved her. I don’t deserve the way I was treated,” Justin wrote on social media.


Following Justin’s posts, fans took to Twitter to express their grief at the news. 

For many users, it was hard to believe that the happily married couple on social media were, in fact, going through a lot in real life, and some suggested that this might be a prank. 

However, Justin once again took to social media to write “not a joke,” proving that what we had assumed to be a perfect marriage was far from one. 

Many users worried about the couple who just welcomed a newborn were quick to advise that they take some time to think things through before making rash decisions. 

However, others settled on the news that Korra was unfaithful, pushing hot takes that the new baby might not have been Justin’s. 

Correcting these assumptions, Justin revealed that Korra had only been unfaithful at the beginning of the relationship, and their two kids were, in fact, his. 

“The comments I made about Kora Obidi being a chronic cheater were inaccurate, she only cheated in the beginning of the relationship. Every other thing said is true,” he said in the apology video.

“This is my apology to the Obidi family about chronic cheating claims @korraobido and @nancyumeh_ and her dad (Papa). All posts about the children not being mine are false.

“June and Athena are my children, and I love them. I’ll be there for them everyday, even if I’m not married to Korra,” he added.

Korra Speaks

While Korra is yet to fully address this issue and claims, the mom of two broke her silence, revealing that at the moment, she was fully committed to taking care of her newborn baby and herself.

Thanking fans for her support during this time, she also noted that she is “100% committed to taking care of my newborn and myself.”

Now, without addressing the narcissism claims, some ‘online in-laws’ have pushed that the singer’s attitude might have been related to Postpartum depression. 


Postpartum depression (PPD) is a complex mix of physical, emotional, and behavioural changes that happen in some women after giving birth.

However, while it is unsure how true these claims might be, it could also serve as an explanation. 

But her estranged husband has argued that this was not true. A chiropractor himself, Justin, has some medical experience and claims that her attitude was largely unrelated to PPD. 

“Anyone that knows me or watches me online knows that I’m a dedicated family man to both Korra and my children. This is honestly the hardest decision of my life, but necessary.”

“I’m walking away from this marriage for my mental health and to be the best version of myself. I must set a healthy example for my children.”

“This has nothing to do with postpartum depression.”

“I’ve been betrayed once again and she is unbothered, which pretty much summarizes our marriage.”

“My apology to all the young men and women that believed we had a “perfect marriage.”

“Marriage is based on mutual love, respect, humility, accountability, empathy, apologies and most of all effective communication to understand the other person’s perspectives.”

“Likes and views shouldn’t be the highlight of your relationship.”

“Men: Your mental health matters!”

“In order to be strong, you have to be happy.”

Divorce Soon!

Yesterday, he confirmed that their impending divorce is unavoidable. 

Dean had earlier asked his fans and followers to ask him a question on Instastory.

In response to a question whether he was still married to his wife or if they were divorced, he wrote: “I’m filing paperwork this week. I will always be there for my children, and wish her the best. This has absolutely nothing to do with postpartum depression!”

Mind Your Business!

Korra has asked fans to mind their business and stop giving her unsolicited advice in her most recent video. The dancer in a new video told fans off for asking that she leaves social media during the period saying that social media pays her. 

“Not everybody is fun and games on social media; some people get paid from being here, okay.”

“And now more than ever, I cannot afford to be off social media. Don’ just let me lash out on you,” she said. 


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